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Glen Bosiwang

Cute! I love those cubic designs you have made! Walden himself is pretty adorable! Does that mean he's gonna have a cute voice too? Maybe...

- Glen!


Yeah I wanted to ask what inspired the design? It almost looks like a videogame world.


I'm not quite sure.
As Art Director on Fairly Oddparents/Danny Phantom, I did alot of designs that involved contrasting straights against curves. It was a very crisp harder edged design style that I still enjoy.
But perhaps it was a reaction against that?
As you continue to draw, certain stylistic elements seem to reoccur over and over and after a while a personal style seems to evolve.
Or maybe I'm subconsciously ripping someone off!


Hey Bob!

I dig the character cut outs. It seems like they would add a lot of festive cheer and charm to an otherwise dark space. Adding color blocks to the ceiling is a creative idea, as well. I can't wait to see what other fantastic design elements you end up placing in the area. Have fun!

:) Kristin

Cesar Augusto

Onda Está o Walden

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