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oooooooooo, ME WANT!


OMG - Kooky! Where on earth did they get those? My bff is a nurse and I would love to get her these!!

Joy Klepper

Please tell me where to get this fabric at PLEASE!! I really would love to have some to make my daughter a outfit!! I make alot of her clothing & currently am making her a dress with a handmade wubbzy & daisey applique on it made out of fleece & am making my son overalls with wubbzy and walden .. they are big wubbzy fans.. PLEASE tell me where I can find this fabric!! Lots of us Moms who make our clothing from ** have been looking for wubbzy fabric ever where and are thinking of useing sheets to make the kids clothing.. If you could help me out that would be great!!!
Thanks Joy Klepper *Proud Navy Wife*

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