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Too cute... I know I will have to get those for my son!
We are so excited about all the new Wubbzy stuff!!


I ordered my set yesterday! I'm so excited for all of the new merchandise and for the new season!


I love the toys my daughter loves wubbzy and i cant find any toys for her also am looking for a custome for halloween and i cant find that anywhere


My grandson is obsessed with Wubbzy. I would like to order the beanie but don't know where to go. Please help.

[email protected]


OMG! How cute! I have to get one for my 2 year old son! He is a Wubbzy FANATIC! :)

K. Masse NH

I've taken to drawing "Wub"ie" Bub" picutes for my three year old. He just loves the show and I think the show is a great thing for all kids to watch! Keep up the great work! Can't wait for the videos and stuffed characters!

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