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« Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Lunch time! | Main | Jumbo Activity »


Danna Snider

These look too fun!! I just hope that they take extra care to check the type of paint used. It would be so sad if Wubbzy was recalled. Can't wait to see these in the stores.


WOW! WOW!! When i plan out my little brothers party in August he'll hug me sooo hard!!



William Noetling

Do you have an MSRP on these yet? And where will they hit retail? I'm guessing mass-market like TRU or Target? Or will they be more specialized like in a Kid Robot or Giant Robo store?

I CANNOT WAIT to buy my 21 month old her first Wubbzy toys.

William Noetling

I guess I can answer my own question, I bought a pack of three today at Target for $5.99.

It's odd though that there are three packs for a total of 9 figurines. Each pack comes with two different Wubbzys (there are six all together), and a second character. Walden was in one, Widget was in the other, and the guy who says "Kooky" was in the third. I would love a pack that has Walden, Widget AND Wubbzy!


where do you enter this secret code to unlock a special game?
it says come to this website but it is not here!
does anybody know how to do this?

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