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I was so excited to hear that the game was finally in stores that I called my local Target to see if they had it in yet. The lady I talked to said they didn't have it. I thought to myself "That lady probably doesn't know who Wubbzy is!", so I went there anyway. To my suprise It was the first one on the shelf and on sale for $5.24! I was so excited I wanted to wake up my daughter and show it to her when I got home, and when I walked in the door she was still awake and watching Wow Wow Wubbzy. Unfortunately I have to wait until her father gets home to show it to her (Oh! The agony!). I punched out all the cards so she will be able to play with it right away, and they are soo adorable. I can't wait for the rest of the toys that are coming out, especially the dancing Wubbzy!


My daughter REALLLLY wants Wubbzy for her birthday party at the end of June. I wish there was a place to get decorations now. I can do the invites myself but it would be great to have balloons, plates, etc.


August is perfect timing for all of the Wubbzy toys to come out. My daughter will be two in september and LOVES Wubbzy! I can't wait to get all of the toys so I.....i mean.....she can play with them.

umm anisa

why aug. my dd's birthday is in july. dang :-(

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