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Mike Reagan

Wow times three thousand eight hundred and thirty nine!!! Way to go Bob!!

Brian, Jennifer and Wyatt

You're a Super Star!!

Jeff's Place

YEAH Bob!!!!
Woo Hoo!!!

Andrea Tran


Best congrats from across the pond! from your fans
Andrea, Marta, Matilda

Jason Smith

Way to go Robert! Couldn't have happened to a better person. You deserve all the best.

Jason Smith

kristin donner

Yay Bob! Yay Wubbzy! Yay Michelle Kwan??

Congrats on the Emmy. It is well deserved.

:) Kristin



Ed Jondahl

Way to go Bobby! Way to represent the old neighborhood! Congrats!

Ray Leong

Congrats Bob!

I'll have to carve a wooden Wubbzy in your honor... oh wait, some did that already. :-)

Congratulations! Well deserved!

Larry Hall

Congratulations, Bob!!!

Wow wow wow!!!

Teresa Proud mom of 5

Congrats!!! My twins will be 2 soon and they love the show!! They can't get enough!! All they talk about is Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! The give me the remote to the tv & tell me Wow! Wow!
My other two children who are 4 & 7 as well as myself are also big fans. Thanks for making my children's hearts smile, laugh & dance! Take Care & Thanks again!!

K. Masse NH

Excellent Show. My three and nine year old boys watch the show together and I beat them to the couch to make sure I have a good spot to watch too! Congratulations!

Heidi~Mom of 3

Wubbzy (and friends) are almost a part of our family now. Our kids love your show- my son (who will be 4 the end of December) cannot get enough of the show and watches it numerous times a day. He knows the songs and sings them all the time. The active animation, positive, light-hearted story lines, easy to love characters and fun music really capture what kids enjoy. Thank you!

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