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Pretty cool crafts. Maybe I'll do some of them! I'm 13 years old and I'm probably the biggest Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! fan in the world. I'll do some in my class.

knows better

She forgot to add:
"don't forget to send your address, so we can have a busload of Nickleodeon patent lawyers storm your house!"

Eric Homan

Hey, "knows better". Nickelodeon doesn't own Wubbzy or its merchandising rights, so I think we're okay.

kinda knows

She forgot to add:
"don't forget to send your address, so we can have a busload of Bolder Media, Inc. patent lawyers storm your house!"

Fixed it.

Eric Homan

Hey, "kinda knows". Why would we post images of homemade Wubbzy crafts if we didn't enjoy seeing them and encouraging fans? I'm sorry you're so cynical.

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