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Man, this is great and really stinky at the same time! My preschooler LOVVVES Wubbzy and we have been waiting for toys forever. And now they're only available at Scholastic Book Fairs? Who signed that deal? Why on earth can I buy everything from toilet paper to spaghetti with Dora on it and a Wubbzy product finally comes out and I can't buy one for my kid? Curse you Nickelodeon marketing!!!!


Well, the issue isn't necessarily that Nickelodeon marketing doesn't want to put Wubbzy toys out. It's more that it takes so long to have the toys made. If anything, these Scholastic books are a real treat because they were able to do them so quickly. Otherwise we'd all be waiting until next fall until we had anything at all.
You see, neither a manufacturer, nor a retailer wants a bunch of toys sitting on the shelf if they're not going to sell well, so it's pretty unusual to see toys when a show is in its first season. Retailers and licensees want to know that they've got a strong show on their hands before committing many many $$$s to product and shelve space. By the time they realize that (usually about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way through the first season), then they have to go through the motions to have things produced which takes time in itself as well.
Trust me, we're burning for toys, too, but it just takes a while...


Will you make a DVD article. I been wating for a WB DVD. OK?

Jeff's Place

Oh My!!
I think I will be stalking the book fair at school this year!!
I night even get as many as they have!
Oh MY!!!

Thanks Scholastic!!


is this available in the UK???

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