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« A Big Week For Wubbzy! | Main | Being Connected Has It's Advantages »


Jeff's Place

Keep the info comming!!!
We love Wubbzy at our house!
At our house the episodes go like this:
Daughter 1: I'm Widget!
Daughter 2: I'm Wubbzy!
Giggling ensues!!

Thanks for a GREAT SHOW!!!


Season 2?!? Half of Season 1 hasn't even aired in the US yet!


I think they wiil say Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow come join the fun with tree by you you 3 friends come close by them WOW WOW WOW who's makeing that sound? It's Wubbzy! It's WOW WOW Wub ZY!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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