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Jeff's Place

WOW! great stuff! We, my 5 & 3 year olds, just finished watching the clips on the website. Great Stuff, my 3 year old is still singing the theme song! I think you've got a hit on your hands! Excellent characters and fun stories and great singing! We will be watching the first episode and Tivo'ed there after.

I am also a fan of Flash Animation! Someday I will grow up in the Flash world and I only HOPE that I have half the talent that you guys have put into this production!

The voice work, AWESOME, you have some of the best!!!

What a GREAT Design Team as well!! WooHoo to an all around GREAT thing!! Good Luck to all!

I will post another time later to let you guys know how my two little ones liked the show!
Keep up the great work!

Jeff S.
San Jose, Ca.

Guy Fandango

We had a Wubbzy weekend. We caught a preview episode on Noggin on Thursday. When the "Look,Don't Touch" song came on my wife hit the record button on the TiVo. She knew that this was a show that the kids would love, and was providing some relevant lessons. Our 4 year-old daughter loves it. Our 6 year-old couldn't get the Wubbzy theme song out of her head. I've already been e-mailing friends with links to the blog, recommedning the Wubbcast, etc.

Thanks for a fun, new show.


Congratulations! I've been following the progress on your show by this site and the podcasts over the last few months and you have every reason on Earth to celebrate. W!W!W! is going to be a surefire hit with the preschool crowd (and their parents!). Even some of us grownups can't get enough of Wubbzy and his pals. Everything just works - the music, the visuals, voices, etc, just right for its intended audience. Here's wishing a prolonged success to all of you at Bolder. Thanks for a great show.


SAW IT...LOVE IT!!! The only problem is I won't be able to watch it every day, does Wubbzy air on Noggin?

Fred Seibert

Thanks for the kind thoughts, everyone. Heather, I'm not too sure about Noggin right now, but I've heard a rumor they'll be playing it there more and more. Give a whistle over to the Noggin folks and let them know you want it. You'd be surprised how well that works.


After about 8 minutes, my three-year-old solemnly announced, "Bow Wow Wubbzy is my favorite show." I love the music: some of it reminded me of the B52s.

Elijah's mommy


I know Walden is a boy and Widget is a girl, but is Wubbzy a boy or a girl?


My 3 1/2 Year old CAN NOT get enough of this show, it is her favorite she gets really upset when it says it will be on at 11.30 and wonder pets comes on instead then I have to hear it the rest of the day, ANYTIME SOON will there be dvd's of wow wow? BOY I need them soon


My 2 year old loves this show it's the only time he sits still. There was recently 3 shows back to back and I was able to record them will there be DVD's comming out?

Randy Chiurazzi

Thanks for this amazing background information. I am inspired by the insight into the process of creating Wubby.

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