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Lisa Mazza

Ok, so who is singing that "Imagination" song on the recent commercials for this show? My guess is Tom DeLonge of Blink 182. Let me know if I am right.

Serena Romero

I was just curious if you had ever heard of a band that played on Yo Gabba Gabba called The Saltines (could be spelled Salteens, I'm not really sure... can't seem to find them anywhere on the net), but they sang a song called I'm So Happy I Can Dance, and the man singing reminds my two-year-old and I of your music! In fact, when we listen to it on the cd her aunt made her she always screams, " IT'S WUBBZY!!!" When in fact it came from Yo Gabba Gabba. Any reason for that? Are you familiar with these guys???


does owl city do any of your songs cause fireflies sound all like a wubbzy song...

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