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Awesome, Bob! Everyday I realize this blog is a better and better idea. I can't believe we're given a "backstage pass" to see all this stuff. I love it.

These initial designs definitely have an "old money" feel to them. Is Walden loaded from an inheritance which supports his eccentricities and world travels? I like the roofs, especially the ones that have that exploratorium aspect to them, and the multi-shaped windows.


man-0-man! I love these!


Those look great! So with a house like those, I would assume that Walden isn't driving around in a Gremlin. ;)


Thanks Roque!

Hopefully the more we do, the more intersting it will get.



If Walden were to drive I could see him in an electric car of some kind.

But I think that he will probably end up riding his unicycle around a lot!


Bob, Sweet BGs!! Enjoy checking out the show's progress day to day. You have an amazing crew! Can't wait to see the episodes.


Bob, your blog seems to have such great energy. Your creative team and the various blog-visitors are so enthusiastic. It's contagious!

I think I'm partial to the center house design (in the grouping of five). It reminds me a bit of an old Victorian home, filled with all sorts of interesting rooms to explore. (And, it makes me miss San Francisco!) The designs do feel palatial. Maybe Walden won the lottery. :)

All the funky windows and interesting shapes in your sketches remind me of an exhibition space I visited when I was in Vienna in December. Check out the Kunst Haus, Wien. You'll be in for a treat.


Hey Kristen!

You win the prize for figuring out my influences!

The Kunst Haus (and Hundertwasser's architecture) is one of my all-time favorite places in the world!

And I think that Walden probably got his fortune by inventing something crazy like .....the edible post-it note!

Cesar Augusto

Ninguém Ficou Marvilhoso Agora é Máximo

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