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Jorge Gutierrez

I think I like "Wubby!" the best.
Simple and funny :)


"Wubby!" -1

"Wow! Wow! Wubby!"- 0

Thanks Jorge!

Marc Crisafulli

"Wubby!" gets my vote, too. Kids will chant it over and over
as they wait for the next episode to come on.

Ya can't knock free advertising!


I like all the names, but I have to say, there's something that makes me giggle every time I say, "Wubby a Go-go." Maybe it's just the thought of some executive having to say that every time they say something in a meeting about your show.

But maybe my opinion comes from too silly of a place...


I like 'Wubby a Go-go' too but I don't know how well it would fit the show. I'd add some more ideas but I don't think you're lawyer would want me to, hehhehe. "Wubby!" seems like an easy choice.



"Wubby a Go-Go!"-1

"Wow! Wow! Wubby!"-0

It looks like simplicity rules so far.




My vote is for "Wow! Wow! Wubby!"
It's original and fun to say.
5 w's
4 consonants
3 words
2 o's & b's
1 great title!


I like: "Go Wubby! Go!"
It has a lot of energy, and it doesn't sound like something I've heard before. Pluss I can see the gos used in a theam song.

BTW love the blog.


Simple. Clean. Fun. Winner!


No no no no no...I still like the ORIGINAL title, regardless as to how it gets botched up by everyone. And that's at this stage, before you've got a theme song that'll forever burn the name into our little brains.

I was always forgetting how that Spongepantsbobsquare dude's name went, and my little niece was thrilled to correct me each time. We even made a game of it. I'm sure we weren't the only ones.

Don't forget the power of the theme music (just like the theme song for that SquareBobSpongePants dude)!



Wow! Wow! Wubby!
Wubby! Wubby! Wow!
Wubby Bubble Double Wow!

I can hear the theme song variations now! I like it cuz its bouncy and musical, lends itself to repeating, gets funnier the more you say it. Hehehe!


Personally, I like "Wow wow wubby" because it sounds like a lousy '80s band, or a disease you got in college.

"Oh, you got the wow wow wubby too?"

"Yeah, but I got a shot and it cleared right up."

Um... can I post that here?


I wonder if you will able to call the town Wuzzleburg at all because of an 80's Disney show called the Wuzzles.

Mike Pettengill


Wow! Wow! Wubby! in Japan.


Cesar Augusto

Está Aí!!!!!

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