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Diane Casey

Great drawing, and a wonderful gift to get - you are quite lucky!


fred seibert


i think butch makes the greatest presents. he's a total softy, no matter how hard he tries to be the evil foreman.

:) fred


I totally agree!

- Bob


I loved the picture. and thought is was cute that BH put a "D" on the middle of DP's ghost outfit. Very cute. I hope Bob is happy with the gift. Very sad though..... ~cries~


Hi Mr. Boyle,

All of us at the Danny Phantom Online Forums ( wish you the best with your new show and all your endeavors! Thank you for your brilliant work on "Danny." We will miss you terribly. I still can't help but wonder if Mr. Hartman plans to work that emblem into the show, as he obviously likes it a lot. ;)



Hi mr Boyle,
I hope this gives you enough time to work on your (other) dreams, and remember: you're always going to be connected to "the odds"

^^respect, Koni
PS: sorry if this is bad english, but I'm not a native speaker '^^


I will always treasure the "odd" years. They were a lot of fun and I was able to work with a lot of really great people!

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